1st - 5th AUGUST 2014

Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre

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What in the World is Asyncio?

Project: asyncio, twisted (twistedmatrix.com)

The Python 3.4 standard library contains a new module called "asyncio" (formerly "tulip"), which allows you to write single-threaded asynchronous code based on PEP 3156. This presentation will begin with an outline of what asyncio provides and how to use it, highlighting the kinds of use cases that it was designed for. The presentation will then go through a number of example use cases and within the context of these use cases, will compare asyncio with Twisted, one of the existing libraries for asynchronous programming. Finally, the presentation will touch on the question of interoperability between asyncio and libraries like Twisted, Pyramid and gevent.

Josh Bartlett

Josh is a software developer who has been programming in Python for more than ten years. He works for Netbox Blue, where he is paid to spend 99% of his time using Python. In his spare time, Josh enjoys writing window managers, working on open source games, running youth holiday camps, playing tabletop games, swing dancing, and telling Bible stories.