1st - 5th AUGUST 2014

Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre

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Seeing with Python

In 2013 I purchased a Ninja Block (http://ninjablocks.com/) and wanted to add a camera based sensor to it. So began my adventures in computer vision using python. The talk will discuss the various libraries (including PyOpenCV & SimpleCV ) available for python to perform CV tasks like motion detection, object tracking & facial recognition. As my goals for the camera sensor underwent "feature creep" the project required it's own dedicated processing power, so a BeagleBone Black & later a Raspberry Pi were purchased and the project became a IoT device. I will also share my experiences with developing python CV solutions ARM based computers. If the demo gods are willing, code examples will be demonstrated.

Mark Rees

Over his 30+ years as a programmer, Mark has programmed in many languages, but has the most fun programming in Python which he has been using since 1997 aka Python 1.4. He is a contributor to a number of Python Open Source projects including Informix database adapters for some Python Web frameworks. His current day job is Chief Technology Officer for Century Software (M) Sdn Bhd, a Malaysian software solutions company that uses Python & Open Source software in many of itʼs offerings. He has spoken at a number of Open Source conferences about Python including PyCon AU, PyCon APAC & PyCon Singapore.