1st - 5th AUGUST 2014

Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre

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Learning Science with Open hardware and Python

Project: ExpEyes

ExpEYES is from the PHOENIX (Physics with Home-made Equipment and Innovative Experiments) project of Inter-University Accelerator Centre,New Delhi. It is a hardware & software framework for developing science experiments, demonstrations and projects without getting in to the details of electronics or computer programming. It converts your PC into a science laboratory.

Kushal Das

Kushal Das is a CPython core developer. He is a fellow at Python Software Foundation and also a Fedora Ambassador. He maintains different Python module packages in Fedora repository.

He is a regular speaker in various conferences including PyCon India and PyCon US conference(s) and also does Python workshops in various events & engineering colleges.

He also wrote a beginner Python book called "Python for you and me" which is targeted to the students for fast paced learning. He is currently working as Community Gardener at Eucalyptus.